Advantages to Carton Live Racking
Our lifts come in a variety of different specs depending on the required usage, available space and desired future growth. A typical goods lift installation allows for large pallets or crates to be safely moved between floors however smaller options are also available.
65% faster picking:
Boxed goods and SKU’s are quickly transported to the face pick with the contents being instantly visible.
Space Saving:
Straight walkways reduces travel times and saves space compared to conventional racking solutions, with more bulk goods being stored per shelf level.
Heavy Loads:
Each shelf level can be rated to 500Kgs UDL, with individual containers weighing up to 30 kg for optimal usage.
Need bigger loads?
Carton Live storage is primarily for the fast, effective storage and transportation of handpicked goods. When dealing with larger loads such as pallets, we recommend our Pallet Live storage installations which operate with much larger loads.